Solutionneur de jeu d'additions croisées This game is also more well known as Kakuro. This program was my first C++ program that I wrote in 1996. I have looked back at it recently and I reworked it a bit. Someone that wants to implement a Kakuro game could probably use that code as a base that could do wonders. I am not giving away the source code of the other classes used by the program but I am confident that you can adapt it easily to make it work. If you know french, you can obtain more details on the implementation and the program itself. Solutionneur du problème du tour du chevalier Reconnaissance vocale - Voronoi You can also see an actual output of the Voronoi function. code for primality testing This module has been referenced by serious websites devoted to primes such as:
graph algorithms demo These pages have been produced with a small utility that I have written. If you like what it does, you can download it. |